How do you feel about clutter in your home?

Are you willing to share those thoughts?

The Institute for Challenging Disorganization (ICD), in partnership with Catherine Roster, Ph.D., Associate Professor at University of New Mexico and Dr. Joseph Ferrari, Distinguished Professor at DePaul University, is conducting a study to learn how clutter impacts a person’s psychological sense of “home.”

Psychological home refers to self-identity as it is aided through a person’s use of personal dwelling spaces in the place one calls “home,” as well as public use and association with nearby spaces that aid one’s self-identity through access to culture, people, or things that connect a person with their surroundings.

ICD appreciates your voluntary participation in a study designed to explore factors that affect a person’s psychological sense of home.  To be eligible for this study, you must reside in the United States or Canada and be of age 18 or older.  The survey is open to anyone that meets these requirements, especially people who have problems with clutter in their home.

The survey will take approximately 20 minutes or less to complete.  You do not have to answer all questions in one session.  If you choose to complete the survey in multiple sessions, you can resume answering questions at the point you left off and all of your previous answers will be saved.

Your responses are completely anonymous.  All responses will be analyzed in summary format only.  Additional details about your participation are described in a consent form that prefaces the survey.  After reading this material, you may choose to decline this invitation to participate.  You may withdraw from the study and discontinue answering questions at any point, or choose not to answer any questions that make you uncomfortable.    

We hope you will choose to participate in this important study!  Results from this study will be published on ICD’s website.



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