One of the biggest rules in organizing is:
Store things where you use them.
Coats near the door, food in the kitchen- obvious. Did you think that it would apply to something like jewelry?
Do you put on earrings at a mirror? Then keep them by that mirror. Yes, it’s okay to have them in the bathroom if you put them on when you are doing your makeup and hair. (And if you use the watchmakers’ case featured yesterday, they’ll be safe and organized there.)
If you use your dresser, consider a holder that sits on top or hangs on the wall beside:
(Anthropologie & Umbra)
If you choose accessories while you’re getting your clothes out of the closet, keep them there:
(Umbra “little red dress” holds all sorts of things; Ikea plastic hooks move easily and cost a dollar for a package.)
Find all your accessories a home where you use them; they will be easy to put away as soon as you take them off, and that means they will be easy to find next time!